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Fascinating Book About People of Norðoyggjar

4:00 pm(GMT+00:00) sun17nov4:00 pmFascinating Book About People of NorðoyggjarVarpið, Klaksvíksvegur 2

Event Details


Tá ið pensionistar ganga og dreiva og hava betri stundir at hugsa um annað enn tað, teir hugsaðu um, tá ið arbeiðið fylti alt, birtast mangar sjaldsamar hugsanir.

Ein slík hendi Jákupi Andreasen, meðan krúnusjúkan legði so mangt vanligt og gerandisligt lamið og fekk dagarnar at grána.
Hann vav sær eitt litfagurt klútateppi úr løtum, sum frystar eru í myndum, og skapti úr teimum ein bita um Norðoyggja søgu, sum hann sjálvur hevði verið vitni til.

Hann minnist allar teir í ketilsdrakt, teir í egningarskúrunum, fullfermdu bátarnar, ógvisligu ferðirnar út í útoyggjar eftir mjólk.
Hann hugdi at teimum, hann plagdi at síggja sum drongur og unglingi, og hugurin fór á reik. Hugareikingina festi hann á blað og skrásetti á henda hátt eitt gott blað í Norðoya søgu.

Ógemeina hugfangandi staðbundin søga.

Jákup leggur bókina fram í Varpinum sunnudagin tann 17. kl. 16.
Hann fer at vísa hesar stuttligu og mangan meistaraligu myndirnar á stórskíggja.

Møtið fjølment og endurlivið fólk og pláss, sum hava verið tykkum kær ella sjaldsom ella stuttlig.

Hetta verður sunnudagin tann 17. eftir døgurðalúrin, beint eftir kaffi, og áðrenn nátturðin stendur á borðinum.


When pensioners have more time to ponder life, beyond the worries that once consumed them during busy workdays, many rare and unique thoughts arise.

Such was the case for Jákup Andreasen during the pandemic, which paralyzed much of daily life and turned days gray. He wove a colorful patchwork quilt of moments frozen in pictures, crafting from them a piece of Norðoyggjar’s history that he had witnessed himself.

He remembers the men in oilskins, the fishermen in baiting sheds, the fully-loaded boats, and the intense journeys to the outer islands for milk. He reflected on those he used to see as a boy and young man, and his thoughts wandered. He captured those musings on paper, documenting an invaluable chapter of Norðoyggjar’s history.

A deeply engaging, local tale.

Jákup will present his book at Varpið on Sunday, the 17th, at 4 PM. He will showcase these amusing and often masterful images on a large screen.

Come in numbers to relive the people and places that have been dear, unusual, or humorous to you.

The event takes place on Sunday, the 17th, after the midday rest, just after coffee, and before dinner is served.



November 17, 2024 4:00 pm(GMT+00:00)

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