How we create frames so others can create a rich culture
7:30 PM Doors open. Opportunity to see the boathouse, like the new major artwork by Edvard Fuglø.
8:00 PM Conversation with artists about their beginnings, environment, approach, and thoughts on how the country and municipalities can contribute to creating an environment where art is nurtured and given opportunities to grow.
8:30 PM Sirið Stenberg, Minister of Culture, discusses the goals and results so far in the effort to improve conditions for the diverse cultural life in the Faroe Islands.
8:50 PM Break
9:00 PM Annika Steintórsdóttir Biskopstø, Representative of the Republic in the Klaksvík City Council, discusses the work done with this council and the goals for the upcoming term to strengthen the diverse cultural life in the Northern Islands with reference to the civic survey of the Klaksvík municipality.
9:20 PM Q&A and discussion with participants and audience.
10:00 PM End
The event is public and intended for all residents of the Faroe Islands interested in cultural policy.