Gamalt gull

Step into Gamalt Gull, where your treasures find new homes and stories unfold!

As your trusted consignment marketplace, we handle the sale of your items with care and expertise.

For just 100kr a month plus a modest 10% commission on sales, let us showcase your belongings to our discerning clientele.

Discover a haven for antique enthusiasts and lovers of quality goods.

At Gamalt Gull, we curate an atmosphere of warmth and appreciation for timeless pieces. Whether you’re a collector seeking the perfect addition or a seller entrusting us with your cherished items, our shop is the destination for all things extraordinary.

Experience the charm of Gamalt Gull and let your journey through antiquity begin.

Sold By: Visit North


Opening Hours:

Saturday: 12.00 – 15.00

Sunday – Friday: CLOSED


Krókaskákið 3, Norðdepil